Thanks to your membership, Ausdance ACT can represent our local dance community with a strong and unified voice.
Your membership fee goes towards advocacy in dance as well as to support our programs designed to strengthen, grow and develop the dance sector.
Membership starts from the date of payment and is valid for 12 months.
Your Ausdance ACT membership is transferable to any state or territory across Australia.
If you are a dance professional you can claim your membership as a tax deduction.
33$Every yearFor those that have a concession cardÂIndividual
66$Every yearBecome an Ausdance ACT memberÂOrganisation
110$Every yearRegister your organisation with Ausdance ACTÂ
Current membership benefits include:
NEW MEMBER BENEFIT! 15% discount on Human Kinetics' dance books and resources sold through Woodslane.
10% discount on Sydney Dance Company Classes On Demand.
40% discount on your Dance Australia Membership.
Upon membership sign-up or renewal we will connect you with Healthier Choices Canberra and Good Sports who have a range of programs, resources and benefits available to the dance studio sector that have been developed in consultation with Ausdance ACT to be dance-friendly and dance-inclusive.
Inclusion in the Ausdance ACT Australian Dance Week calendar (online and printed) as well as subsequent promotion.
Connecting teachers and independent dancers to studios, training, and other professional opportunities.
Free member access to dance business workshops such as dance insurance, and OneMusic music licensing.
Career advice, assistance, and support for professional dancers.
Ausdance National works with AON Insurance to develop the best possible insurance products for the dance industry. Ausdance members are entitled to a member discount.
10% Discount at Bloch Australia - in-store only.
Save 10% on The Demi Barre.
VIP ticket giveaways to dance shows and films.
Priority promotion of your events, workshops, performances, and other member activities via social media and e-newsletter.
Discounted Members Price for Ausdance ACT masterclasses and workshops with local and visiting artists.
Performance, professional development, and networking opportunities.
Being a part of the national Ausdance network - Queensland, NSW, Victoria, South Australia and Western Australia.
Automatic membership of Ausdance National, providing access to initiatives and partnerships such as: Safe Dance Research, Dance Collection; publications, and resources.
Latest federal advocacy updates, surveys, and information for performing arts through Ausdance National.
Automatic Membership to World Dance Alliance.
Access to the latest academic dance education publishing and conferences, such as DaCI (Dance and the Child International)
Priority assistance with dance studio industry advocacy and issues with the Department of Sport and Recreation.